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Comprehensive legal services.

ARLA Telephone Helpline

ARLA Telephone Helpline

How it Works

What number do I call?

Call us during opening hours on 0330 124 1212. 

When can I call?

Our new dedicated telephone helpline service for all ARLA members operates between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Our team of landlord and tenant specialists aims to answer quickly and succinctly queries of a legal nature that crop up from day to day in a busy lettings office.

Who will I be speaking to?

All our staff are experienced case handlers with years of practical experience. The advice you get will be not just accurate but also highly relevant in a real world.

What do I need to do when I call?

As this is a member benefit, you will be asked for your unique ARLA membership number and may be asked a linked security question. Please note that membership numbers CANNOT be shared with non-ARLA members within your office. For your security all calls will be recorded and brief notes made.

Is there anything I can’t ask?

Whilst we are happy to answer questions, we cannot give drafting advice for those tricky clauses you might be writing. Likewise we are not able to review documents or give an opinion on references or management issues. These things are beyond the scope of a helpline service but we can if needs be steer you in the right direction. 


"Just to say, thank you for the ARLA legal helpline, Robert (Rob) Dutton Gregory and his team are wonderful. We have had some real belters recently fall into our laps and their advice has been superb in all cases. The help line does what it says on the Tin! 

Having attended ARLA regional meetings for over 25 years (originally with John Birch at the Freemasons or the Bull and Bush both in Hampstead Village), I would say the legal update, is not just essential but the highlight of the meetings.  Just ask Michael Behr or Roz at Glentree.  Marveen, Nick, David and Rob have always given it to us in straight forward terms. At last count, what is it now only 700 essential things all letting agents should know. Again the legal help line is genius, long may it continue." - Paul Lee, MARLA, Paul Lee & Company

"I am a letting agent with 20 years' experience in the industry. Every so often something odd comes up that I have no answer to and that is when I use the helpline. I just wanted to say that, without exception, my calls have always been answered by a cheerful, helpful, knowledgeable person. They have always given me great assistance and advice. Even when I feel the question I am asking is somewhat obscure, they have always spent the time to come up with an answer based in pure legal knowhow. As a small operator it really is a lifeline as far as I am concerned so thank you, I am really grateful and cannot recommend the service highly enough." - Patricia Gibas, Lettings Director