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Comprehensive legal services.

Workplace Stress

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) shows that 40% of work-related illnesses were caused by stress in 2011/12.

The LFS also showed that pressure at work, work place violence & bullying and a lack of managerial support were the main work activities causing their work-related stress.

Stress at work is a major problem, and an individual’s health is beyond measure in monetary terms. A catastrophic mental breakdown can arise from an individual being subjected to an excessive work flow, or from being the target of a serial bully. A mental breakdown can then lead to a permanent loss of health, career and sometimes family.

Our solicitors have a successful track record of fighting and settling occupational stress claims. After leading the way in opening the possibility of claims under the Protection from Harrassment Act – Majrowski v Guy and St Thomas’s NHS Trust, we have since represented and advised hundreds of people in occupational stress, discrimination and bullying claims; including securing the largest ever Employment Tribunal award of £4.5 million.

In 2001 we secured the first major award of damages for the victim of a ‘first breakdown’ in Long v Mercury Communications, and since then we have been at the head of developments in psychiatric injury claims.

A large variety of claims can arise from stress at work claims and the way employers handle them. Each possible claim has different individual ‘rules’ which oversee its validity and hurdles to overcome before it succeeds.

Every case is uniquely complex and therefore difficult to navigate through the maze of legal issues, but our solicitor’s experience and knowledge means you can ensure that every avenue will be explored in detail with expertise and skill.

If you feel you have a claim to make, or would like to explore the possibility, please complete our enquiry form which we will review without charge and advise on the merit of our carrying out a full review of the possible claim.