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Comprehensive legal services.

Compliance - Employers

Strict laws control the employment of overseas nationals in the UK, and the Home Office can fine businesses up to £20,000 for every person they are found to employ illegally.

To protect themselves, employers must check the right to work of everyone they employ. If you are registered as a Sponsor then there are additional record-keeping and reporting duties.

We advise businesses on how to keep their HR processes compliant with immigration laws, and we conduct a quick and discreet ‘healthcheck’ to cut the risk of fines or the loss of a sponsor licence.   If you want to employ an overseas national who is already in the UK, we advise on how to make the process as smooth as possible.

If your business is subject to enforcement action, then we act quickly and pragmatically to protect valuable employees, and your business’s reputation.

Our solicitors have an excellent track record in appealing against civil penalties levied mistakenly or unfairly on businesses, with outcomes ranging from reduction of fines to zero, and agreements not to “name and shame”.