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Comprehensive legal services.

Sales and Acquisitions

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a commercial property, our team of dedicated and specialist solicitors are on hand to offer expertise and support throughout the process.

We guide our clients through the complexities of selling and purchasing commercial properties, such as negotiating contracts, reviewing titles, flagging issues related to the transaction, agreeing contacts and form of transfers and so on.

Our experts have experience in dealing with a broad range of commercial properties, such as:

  • Offices
  • Retail
  • Industrial
  • Care homes
  • Farming and agricultural
  • Leisure
  • Hospitality
  • Licensed premises such as public houses.

We also specialise in long leaseholds on commercial property. A long leasehold for a commercial premises will typically be over 80 years and may be an attractive option for those looking to invest into the property and ensure security over it.